What to expect from Franglaise Mummy

Franglaise Mummy has changed a lot since I started this blog in February 2012, because I have changed a lot in that time too. I initially started this blog when we were trying for our second baby as I wanted to share the differences between parenting in France and the UK, and I wanted to document our children’s lives too.

When I first started Franglaise Mummy I was a mum of a 5 year old daughter, working full-time and living in London after 12 years on the French Riviera. Since then I have:

I have done a lot of online training, learning, research and reading into self-improvement, coaching, visualisation, law of attraction, reaching goals, online business and online marketing over these 4+ years. I have recently completed Marie Forleo’s B-School and I am currently working on Denise Duffield-Thomas’s Money Bootcamp.

All of these changes in me have brought about a change in this blog.

Whilst I write for you, I also write for me. And where parenting and France vs UK used to be my primary focus it’s no longer the case. I don’t feel the need to write about the ins and outs of daily parenting anymore. I don’t want to dissect the differences in French parenting vs English parenting.

What to expect from Franglaise Mummy: www.FranglaiseMummy l Get the life you love

Franglaise Family – from left to right: Ben, Clémence, me and Léna, taken on a day out here in Mauritius in May 2016.

So what can you expect from this blog now?

The last 4 years have been a massive personal and professional roller coaster for me. I have had some incredibly high highs, and equally some pretty low lows too. I have come out stronger and far, far happier. I have been working a lot on my own personal self-development and self-improvement over this time and I am now in a position where I want to share what I know to help you.

I have worked on my business.

I have worked on my relationships. All of my relationships. Including letting go of ones that no longer work.

I have worked on my parenting.

I have worked on me and my own happiness.

And I have learnt that all of these are linked – to be happy you need to work on the business side of your life + your relationships + your parenting + yourself. If you let one side slip then everything suffers.

As I come up to a decade of parenting at the end of this year, I have been shaped by my experiences of being a mum in 3 countries, across different cultures and languages. My experiences of being a working mum, a stay at home mum and a work at home mum in 3 different countries.

My aim with Franglaise Mummy is to use what I have learnt and experienced to help you be happier. To be a happier mum. To be a happier wife/partner. To be a happier you.

There will be parenting blog posts but in a broader sense. Instead of writing about my baby learning to crawl I’ll be talking about how you can get more me time as a mum and why you need it.

You can expect more articles on the way we live our lives, and how you can improve on what you’ve got and where you’re at.

Charity work will always be important to me. I was brought up to give time and money to those in need, and over my time blogging I have supported various different charities, and I will continue to do so, with blog posts about events and raising awareness from time to time.

My original tagline was “Pregnancy, birth and beyond. The French and English way.” then as Clémence got older and I was more interested in the “beyond” bit I changed it to “French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings”. Now I’m moving away from the French and English bit, there is less of the parenting stuff, and my aim is to give you more advice, experience and information rather than ramblings these days.

So my new tagline is “Get the life you love“.

Having learnt how to get the life I love, with the cards dealt to me, a healthy dose of optimism, a pinch of risk and a handful of fear-facing, I want to help you to do the same.

I apologise to all those who’ve followed me over the years for my parenting and French/English blog posts, if this is no longer for you. There are plenty of articles in the archives for you, but there will be very few posts on those subjects moving forwards, so I understand if you want to go elsewhere now.

To everyone who wants to know more about what I have to share – Welcome 🙂 You can expect one blog post a week from me on a Tuesday morning. Don’t hesitate to follow me on social media if that is not often enough for you, I’m mostly on Facebook, but I do also share video snapshots of my everyday life on YouTube and bits and pieces on Twitter and Instagram, so do add/follow/like Franglaise Mummy to stay in touch with me. Lastly, but most importantly, I have a weekly newsletter that goes out every Tuesday, where I share my weekly blog post and more. You can sign up to my newsletter on my Free Resources page, where you will be rewarded with my free video guide to decision-making and facing your fears.

Thank you to everyone who has read my blog posts over the years, I have made some incredible online and real life friends through Franglaise Mummy and I can’t wait to see where this new direction will take me and what new people I will meet 🙂

Sophie xx

P.S. If you think that this new style Franglaise Mummy will interest friends of yours, don’t forget to share this blog post with them!


12 Responses

  1. Yay so excited for this Sophie! You and I have been on a similar journey and I know what a transformation this learning and realisation can bring. Can’t wait to see where this takes you (and us!) x
    Michelle Reeves (The Joy Chaser) recently posted…4 time-saving tips for moving your blogMy Profile

    • Franglaise Mummy says:

      I’m loving that we’re taking a similar journey at a similar time 🙂 Did you recognise yourself in the bit at the end about meeting some fab new friends through this blog?! So excited for both of us and for our upcoming plans (separately and together…!) xx

  2. Priscille says:

    I haven’t known your Franglaise mummy blog for long but I already love the new turn it takes! 🙂 Looking forward to reading more.

    • Franglaise Mummy says:

      Thanks so much Priscille – I think you’ll find the new turn more interesting than the old parenting blog posts 😉

  3. Karin Joyce says:

    Wonderful stuff Sophie! I will still be tuning in. Get the life you love…love it! 😉

    Karin xx
    Karin Joyce recently posted…In the trees at Burghley HouseMy Profile

    • Franglaise Mummy says:

      Thanks so much Karin – glad you like the new tagline too, I pondered so many different ones and then this one just hit me, I’m really pleased it strikes a chord 🙂 So happy you’ll still be tuning in! x

  4. Emma Martin says:

    I’ve read your blog on and off for years now (sorry about the off bits! I’ve never been very good at keeping up!) and I’ve actually got round to adding you into my blog reader now – could have sworn I’d done that years ago!!

    I’m looking forward to the new direction, like yourself I’ve changed a lot since first starting my blog, which was just a rambling expat with a small baby stuck in a strange country. I often wonder where I should take my blog now!

    • Franglaise Mummy says:

      Thanks for reading Franglaise Mummy over the years – don’t worry about the on and off, I know that feeling! Glad to hear I’m on your blog reader now though 😉 So pleased you’re looking forward to the new direction – I’ve had such positive feedback about it and I can’t wait to move into this new phase with lots of blog posts already planned 🙂 I hadn’t really planned to take this blog elsewhere, but then realised I didn’t want to write about the same things anymore, so I thought about what I did want to write, and what I wanted to share, and that’s how the new direction came about. Hope that helps with you and your blog!

  5. Honest mum says:

    Aw so proud of you, you amazing lady-always so giving, proud to call you a friend xx

    • Franglaise Mummy says:

      What a lovely, lovely thing to say 🙂 Mwah! And as I said in my reply to Michelle – did you recognise yourself in my shout-out to the fab friends I’ve found through this blog?! Thanks for all your support over the years lovely xx

  6. Kate Davis says:

    I love your new tag line. My blog has also gone through cycles (I started it before thinking about having children) and think I’m at the start of a new one. I love this idea of explaining the future of the blog and once I’ve got it clear in my head I may do something similar. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
    Kate Davis recently posted…Freeing the creativity hidden insideMy Profile

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