There’s no tooth fairy in France

Several of L’s teeth started wobbling way back in early July, so I warned my mum when L went to stay there for a week in late July that she may need to play the tooth fairy role. But then nothing happened. Most of August passed by and still nothing happened so I decided these teeth would take a while to come out. Then on the 20th August we flew to Marseille for a two week holiday in France, we had been on French soil for about 30 minutes before L started furiously wobbling her bottom tooth….whilst sitting on the counter in the Europcar office at Marseille Airport. And yes, you guessed it, tooth number 1 came out there and then.

First baby tooth to go

Our next issue was what to do with regards to the tooth fairy, as she doesn’t exist in France. That’s right, you read that correctly, there is no tooth fairy in France. Instead they have “la petite souris” (the little mouse) who fulfils the same role. But a while back when I was telling L about this she was freaking out at the idea of a mouse crawling into her bed to get her tooth, even if it did leave her money.

So I offered her two alternatives, either we would put the tooth out that night for “la petite souris” or I would look after it – for 2 weeks – and we would leave it out for the tooth fairy when we got back home. Greed got the better of her and “la petite souris” visited her that night, leaving in its wake a 2 Euro coin.

A happy, gappy girl with her 2 Euro from la petite souris

A month and a bit later, we are back in the UK and 4 teeth down, with the other 3 being taken by the tooth fairy via a very cute sign that I got from Cwtch Signs, which saves scrabbling under pillows!

Tooth Fairy sign from Cwtch Signs

My happy, gappy daughter with her 4 missing teeth (bottom two are the new big teeth already!)

Now she’s realised how much money she can make per tooth (£1 in our house) she’s constantly wobbling the others, who knows what she’ll do once she’s gone through them all!


5 Responses

  1. Knitty Mummy says:

    When I read the title of this post I got really worried about the tooth mountain forming in France with no tooth fairy to take them away and make use of them in fairy land, so I was very glad to hear that there is a little mouse to take them away (phew)

  2. Tina Robson says:

    My small has just started having wobbly teeth. The bottom 2 came out 7 days apart, now she tells me that one of the top teeth is wobbly. Hubby would only give 20 pence, he said if I gave her a pound, then it might cause more wobbling and smallest (who is 4) might start giving it a try.
    Glad you got round the problem.

  3. Franglaise Mummy says:

    Knitty Mummy – I’m glad that I managed to relieve your stress there 😉 I still think I prefer a fairy though to a mouse!

    Tina – L is 5 (6 in December) and we ran a bit of a poll on Facebook before her first tooth fell out over how much to give. The general consensus was £1 or £2 – I was outraged by the £2, but felt we couldn’t give less than £1 if that was going to be what most of her friends were getting. However it’s a bit of a joke at the moment as she could get 5p and be as happy as she doesn’t really understand the value of one coin over another yet….until she goes to try and spend it! Fortunately she seems to have calmed down her wobbling now, so fingers crossed we’ll have some tooth peace and quiet for a little while now.

  4. Emily says:

    Dear tooth mouse I am 7 years old today my dad pulled out my tooth it hurt for a while he pulled it out at 8.30. Ps don’t wake me up.pps or my sister.

    • Franglaise Mummy says:

      Love it 🙂 Léna is now 9 and is losing her teeth again – I think the tooth fairy and tooth mouse are going to be broke soon!!

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