Category: Life

Can you afford to take risks when you’ve got kids?

During the World Cup Final at the weekend Hubs reminded me of where we watched it 4 years ago. We were in Praz de Lys, a hamlet/village in the French Alps (Haute Savoie), enjoying a final French holiday before packing up our French life to move to the UK.

Father and daughter in the French Alps in the summer.

Hubs with a 3 and 1/2 year old L in Praz de Lys, July 2010.

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Where’s the pause button?

When I was a child I longed to be older – I wanted to be 11 and go to big school like my sisters. Then I wanted to be 15 to get into films with that age restriction. Next it was 16 to do all the naughty things you could legally do at that age.… Read more

Is the NHS letting us women down?

Warning to those with a sensitive disposition: I will be talking about women’s bits in this blog post, and in a non-exciting way, so if you don’t want that kind of information, move along now.

I just want to clarify from the start that I do love the NHS, and even though I will be doing a fair amount of slamming of it in this blog post, on the whole I think it’s a fantastic system.… Read more

Why I shun cars

Two of my best friends in the blogging world and I have a bit of an ongoing joke: they don’t do public transport and I don’t do cars. Yesterday I wrote this blog post sitting on a train on my way to a family holiday in Wales, and I thought I would try and explain why I will always favour public transport over cars.… Read more

Honesty is definitely the best policy

This blog post is going to be shit, and it’s going to be honest.

Why is it going to be shit? Because for half of Friday and all of Saturday I was at the biggest parent blogging conference in the UK – Britmums Live. I hugged, I cried, I laughed and I learnt.… Read more

Keeping it real on Facebook: How honest are we?

A couple of (very different) friends have recently said to me that Facebook doesn’t show real life, that it’s people sugar-coating their lives, only sharing the best bits. And it made me think….is that true? And is that true for me?

Whilst I confess that I don’t necessarily share all the lows of my life on Facebook, I would say that I’m quite candid and honest on social media in general, whilst trying to stay positive, as that’s just who I am.… Read more

What is friendship now?

Friendship is a funny old thing, especially how it changes over the years. When you’re younger and at school you see your friends all day, every day, and they are so much more important than anyone else in your life. You can’t even imagine a time when those people won’t be your whole world.… Read more

The hunt for a decent hairdresser

If you’ve seen any photos of me you’ll know that I’ve got curly hair. When I was a child I had thick, dark, wiry, dry, curly hair. My mum didn’t have a clue what to do with it (having straight/wavy hair herself) so she used to take me to a local “at home” hairdresser who would cut it short, and then my mum would brush it for me every day.… Read more