A letter to my teenage self (via Honest Mum)

Our teen years are such a minefield of emotions, hormones, confusion and questions. Highs are crazily high and lows are the end of the world. I got off relatively lucky during my teens as I had a decent helping of self-confidence and self-esteem (thanks Mum!) and tended to pick myself up from falls and get on with things.

As our eldest, Léna, heads towards her tween and then teen years at full pelt (she’ll be 10 this year), I hope beyond hope that she will manage to negotiate the craziness of adolescence for girls in our society today. To be perfectly honest, it scares the hell out of me, and I’m pretty tech and online savvy.

In thinking back to my younger years and in thinking forwards to our girls’ teen years, I wrote this letter to my teenage self…

A letter to my teenage self: www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Get the life you love

On the left, me age 11. On the right, me age 14.

Dear Teen Me,

You don’t know me (yet) but I’m your 40 year old self, coming back to you from the future, Marty McFly style, to give you some very important life tips and advice that you’ll need to get through your teenage years.

Click here to read the rest of my letter in full (and see more gruesome pictures of me!) over on Vicki’s fab online magazine, Honest Mum.

If you’re feeling a bit lost and like a teenager why don’t you grab yourself my free video guide to decision-making and facing your fears?


2 Responses

  1. Honest mum says:

    Thanks so much for your moving piece Sophie, so wonderful to share it on my site, lots of love x

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