No sick days for Mummies

A throw away comment from a 4 year old recently made me stop and think. I had told her that Hubs was in bed as he was ill, and she replied “my daddy goes to bed when he’s ill, but my mummy doesn’t, she looks after us”. And this made me stop and think. It’s the same in our house. But it didn’t use to be that way.

Before I went on maternity leave last August we had a 5 year old daughter, Hubs and I worked full-time, 5 days a week, and we had a live-in au pair. If I was too ill to go to work (which admittedly was fairly rare) I could take time off, and actually go to bed and get better. Our au pair would deal with our daughter, and Hubs would deal with other household chores whilst I was recovering.

Then I went on maternity leave. And decided not to return to my old job, but to retrain as a childminder. Which means there is no au pair. There is no back-up plan now. When C was a few weeks’ old I got flu (yes, despite having the flu vaccine when pregnant – apparently there are different strains), I felt awful and there was no way I could deal with a 6 year old and a small baby. Fortunately my parents don’t live too far away, are retired and very generous with their time when it comes to their children and grandchildren, so my mum came and looked after the kids whilst I got better.

However in general I try not to ask my parents too much, and I do try to keep going. And that’s where you’ll find me today. Battling on. Everyone in the family has had this cold/flu bug that’s been going round. I thought I’d escaped it, but on Monday evening it hit. Since then I’ve been fighting the sinus headaches, sore throat, achy neck, clicky ear, achy joints and shivers.

Fortunately the girls are amazing sleepers so at least when I go to bed I’m not disturbed. But I have to say this is the only time I miss my old job – getting sick days. So today, these, along with the kids, are my company:

Day Nurse & tissues

The full title of this post should actually be: No sick days for Mummys or why I haven’t blogged at all or been on social media much in nearly a week. Normal service should hopefully be resumed soon.


7 Responses

  1. Aw hope you are well soon.

    I just realised that I nevet gey sick days or days off or anything either!

    • Franglaise Mummy says:

      Thanks – feeling a bit better now. It’s a sad truth for many of us I think.

  2. Karen says:

    Am sorry you have had the lurgy, there are some grim ones about at the moment, as I can testify from my own germ filled household.
    I moaned to Charles today, as I headed off to work, feeling grotty, that Mum’s don’t get sick days. I did the school run, then worked, then came home collected children, did the after school thing, all whilst feeling like death warmed over. If I was really, really sick, like stomach bug sick, then I would probably take to my bed, or at least have him home to help (he can work from home, thankfully) but I do feel a tad resentful when he is able to take a sick day, mooches around the house, and rests, and I don’t seem to be able to. To be fair, this past week he has been VERY unwell, and I have happily looked after the kids and him, to help him rest and get better, but I know when I am ill, unless I am bedridden and delirious, I have to get on with the job. My dad has come to rescue me on occasions, to help out, but he heads off to Thailand next month, and I also don’t like to ask him to help, too much, or take him for granted.
    Mum’s don’t get sick days, I would say, unless they have a nanny or au pair, or family living with them or can send them to school all day.
    Karen recently posted…So, no one told me about the testosterone…My Profile

    • Franglaise Mummy says:

      We’re totally in the same boat – I see a day in bed when I’m sick as a luxury now, unless, as you say, it’s stomach bug sick. The joys of being a mummy….or something! Hope your house of lurgy is getting better now too, I’m feeling better and am having a quiet weekend which should help.

  3. Karen says:

    PS hope you are on the mend soon!!
    Karen recently posted…So, no one told me about the testosterone…My Profile

  4. Katie says:

    Mummy’s are made of stronger stuff! Sorry you are feeling ill that must be really tough – hope you feel much better soon x
    Katie recently posted…Breastfeeding an 8 month oldMy Profile

    • Franglaise Mummy says:

      We are definitely the stronger sex! Thanks, am beginning to feel slightly better now.

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