Tagged: career

What if I make the wrong decision? www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Decision-making and facing your fears

What if I make the wrong decision?

One of the biggest reasons that people get stuck in the decision-making process is due to the crippling fear of making the wrong decision. If this is the case for you, let me tell you one of my decision-making stories…

10 years ago, I was 30 years old. I had just moved into my forever home – a house we’d had built, and that I’d seen transform from architect’s plans and an empty field into the home of my dreams: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, huge fireplace, a kitchen we’d designed down to the last cm, a lovely garden with a mountain view, a swimming pool in the garden.… Read more

Turning 40: www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

Turning 40

A couple of weeks ago I turned 40, hit the big 4-0, whatever you want to call it, and it would seem that this birthday affects people in different ways, so I thought I’d blog about its effects on people and what it means to me. As I have no shame I’m also going to share photos of me around each decade throughout the blog post too…

I have friends who have had utter meltdowns at the approach of their 40th birthday and who have actively had therapy to help them through it.… Read more

My crazy work experience in France l www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French and English Parenting and LIfestyle Ramblings

My crazy work experience in France

I accidentally moved to France in 1998, straight after graduating, and I had some seriously weird and wonderful work experiences in the following 12 years of living on the French Riviera. So many people have told me I should share these crazy French jobs on the blog so here goes….

Crazy work experience in France Number 1:
The one where I got paid £2 an hour to clean up vomit

My first job in France was waitressing in a bar in Nice for two consecutive summers (pre and post final year at university).… Read more

SAHM vs Working Mum: Who wins? www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

SAHM vs Working Mum: Who wins?

Us mums seem to constantly be fighting the never-ending battle over who parents best – Stay At Home Mums (SAHMs) or Working Mums? Then of course there are the WAHMs (Work At Home Mums) to throw into the mix too.

For some reason we’re either putting ourselves on a massive guilt-trip about which path we’ve chosen, or we’re criticising the mums who do it differently.… Read more

Childminding vs Marketing: a day in the life

For those avid followers of this blog you’ll know that I recently resigned from my full time job as an Account Director at a central London digital marketing agency, in favour of retraining as a full time childminder, in order to be around for my daughters (aged 6 years and 10 months).… Read more

How to get the life you love: www.FranglaiseMummy.com

How to Get the Life YOU Love

It sounds like a no-brainer: living the life YOU love. I mean, why would you live ANYTHING but the life YOU love? Yet so few of us are actually doing it. Most people are waiting.

Waiting for someone else to improve your life for you.

Waiting for circumstances to change before really living a life YOU love.… Read more

When you don't have a job that makes your heart sing: www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Get the Life YOU Love

When you don’t have a job that makes your heart sing

Your job provides you with a sense of identity, a sense of worth. So when you don’t have a job, or have a job you hate you can feel worthless, useless or even depressed.

I had my first job at 13 years old – I delivered newspapers and babysat. By the age of 20 I had worked in a bookshop, a newsagent, Argos (a big chain store in the UK), stuffed envelopes, stuffed sandwiches, done cold calling, worked as a barmaid, as a cleaner and in a call centre.… Read more