Tagged: dream

Is Your Dream Worth The Sacrifice? www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Get the life YOU love

Is Your Dream Worth The Sacrifice?

A year ago my little family and I moved from the UK to Mauritius. And I know lots of people thought “what lucky b*stards!” but what most people don’t know is that this is a journey that Ben and I have been on since the end of 2003. So today I want to share the sacrifices we made for our dream to come true.… Read more

When did we lose the dream? www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

When did we lose the dream?

When we were children we told our parents and teachers that when we grew up we wanted to be astronauts, pilots, deep sea divers and more. The world really was our oyster.

Brother and sister musical instruments 1980s l When did we lose the dream? www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

Maybe Baby Brother and I dreamt of being musicians…

As teenagers these dreams changed to footballers, actors, dancers, singers, doctors, vets, chefs and yet more.… Read more

What is happiness?

For some reason this question was swilling around in my head yesterday. It all came about because I had this flash yesterday afternoon, this thought came into my head, totally out of the blue – I am happy. Not just content. Not just dealing with my lot. But actually, genuinely happy.… Read more