Tagged: parenting

Mean mummy or good mummy? www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

Mean mummy or good mummy?

Are you a mean mummy or a good mummy? Léna, our 9 year old daughter, is constantly telling me I’m a mean mummy.

I’m a mean mummy because I don’t give her a packet of biscuits when I collect her from school (she gets a piece of fruit and a cereal bar / crackers).… Read more

Turning 40: www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

Turning 40

A couple of weeks ago I turned 40, hit the big 4-0, whatever you want to call it, and it would seem that this birthday affects people in different ways, so I thought I’d blog about its effects on people and what it means to me. As I have no shame I’m also going to share photos of me around each decade throughout the blog post too…

I have friends who have had utter meltdowns at the approach of their 40th birthday and who have actively had therapy to help them through it.… Read more

12 ways to save time when you're a mum l www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

12 ways to save time when you’re a mum

Most mums I know run around like headless chickens pretty much every waking hour of the day, every day. Trying to fit in the million and one jobs that being a mum entails.

I have been asked quite a few times recently how I do it, so I thought I’d share how I save time where I can.… Read more

Happy 8th Birthday L: An open letter l www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

Happy 8th Birthday L: An open letter

To my darling L,

You are 8 years old today, and to mark your big day here is this year’s special letter (last year’s letter is here). I cannot for the life of me understand how on earth you can possibly be 8 years old. Surely it was just yesterday that we held you, our first baby, in our arms, this tiny bundle of 2.7kg of joy.… Read more

The true facts about breastfeeding l www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

Breastfeeding: What they don’t tell you

Breastfeeding is such a controversial topic. You will only just have announced your pregnancy and everyone will already be interested in whether you’re going breast or bottle. Never has it been so acceptable to be this interested in a woman’s mammary glands!

I know many women (in the UK) who were given the impression that breastfeeding should be such a natural, automatic, easy act that they felt such a failure when it didn’t work for them.… Read more

Keep Calm the New Mum's Manual l Dr Ellie Cannon l The only baby book you need l www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

The only baby book you need

I was delighted to recently receive the wonderful news that someone close to me is pregnant with her first baby (you know who you are, E), which inspired me to finally write a review of Dr Ellie Cannon’s book for new mums that I received and read (in 48 hours) a few months ago.… Read more

Why I shun cars

Two of my best friends in the blogging world and I have a bit of an ongoing joke: they don’t do public transport and I don’t do cars. Yesterday I wrote this blog post sitting on a train on my way to a family holiday in Wales, and I thought I would try and explain why I will always favour public transport over cars.… Read more

Keeping it real on Facebook: How honest are we?

A couple of (very different) friends have recently said to me that Facebook doesn’t show real life, that it’s people sugar-coating their lives, only sharing the best bits. And it made me think….is that true? And is that true for me?

Whilst I confess that I don’t necessarily share all the lows of my life on Facebook, I would say that I’m quite candid and honest on social media in general, whilst trying to stay positive, as that’s just who I am.… Read more

Why Game of Thrones is good for my 7 year old daughter

Now before you go getting all judgemental on me, I don’t mean I’m going to sit down and watch explicit violence and sex scenes in brothels with my 7 year old, so let me explain.

In general women in films and TV tend to be depicted as the poor, little weakling, who need the men to save/rescue/validate them.… Read more