Tagged: stress

Life without social media: an experiment l www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Get the Life YOU Love

Life without social media: an experiment

Go on. Admit it. You’re addicted to social media and it’s ruining your life.

What’s the first thing you do in the morning? Grab your phone and open Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest.

Even before kissing the person lying next to you, or saying good morning?

Sound familiar?

Welcome to my world.

Or should I say my old world?… Read more

Solo parenting sucks

If you follow me on social media you’ll know that I was solo parenting last week – from Saturday early afternoon a week ago until last night, to be precise. Hubs was away in Morocco on holiday with his twin brother and their best friend (and his best man from our wedding); he’d just finished a pretty stressful job, and has got a fair amount on his plate with an ill father, so it seemed right that he spend some chill time with these two key people.… Read more