Tagged: terrorism

What kind of a world are we raising our kids in? www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Get the Life YOU Love

What kind of a world are we raising our kids in?

I have written and re-written this blog post over and over again since the horrific events in Nice last week. Words literally fail me and my emotions changed so much over the first few days too, that something I wrote in the morning seemed so wrong by the afternoon.

For those who don’t know me, I moved to Nice as a student in 1996 for a 5 months stint at the university there as an Erasmus student.… Read more

Je suis Charlie l Why France is on the brink of civil war l www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

Why France is on the brink of civil war

This is the title of a blog post that’s been going round in my mind since last summer, and yesterday’s horrific attacks have compelled me to share my thoughts on this very sad subject now.

As a lover of France for 30 years, and having lived there for well over half my adult life, I am shocked, saddened and disgusted by the horrific attacks on Charlie Hebdo in Paris yesterday.… Read more