Tagged: depression

Comparison is the thief of joy and why you need to stop it: www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Get the Life YOU Love

Comparison is the Thief of Joy and Why YOU Need to Stop it

Are you the Queen of Comparison?

How many times have you looked at someone – a friend, neighbour, colleague, school mum, family member – and said to yourself “she’s got it all, she’s got it made, she’s got such a good life”? And then turned round and compared it to your own life?… Read more

When you don't have a job that makes your heart sing: www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Get the Life YOU Love

When you don’t have a job that makes your heart sing

Your job provides you with a sense of identity, a sense of worth. So when you don’t have a job, or have a job you hate you can feel worthless, useless or even depressed.

I had my first job at 13 years old – I delivered newspapers and babysat. By the age of 20 I had worked in a bookshop, a newsagent, Argos (a big chain store in the UK), stuffed envelopes, stuffed sandwiches, done cold calling, worked as a barmaid, as a cleaner and in a call centre.… Read more