Tagged: open letter

Happy 10th Birthday to my daughter - an open letter: www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Get the life YOU love

An Open Letter to my 10 Year Old Daughter: Happy Birthday!

Dear Léna,

I’m running a bit late with your annual birthday letter as we have been way too busy having fun for me to sit down and write this to you. Every year I write an open letter to you and your sister on your birthdays (here are the letters from your previous birthdays: 7th birthday, 8th birthday, 9th birthday), as I know I’ll never remember all the little details of these weeks, months and years with you as children, so I hope it’s a way for me to remember and for you to know what life was like when you were little.… Read more

A letter to my teenage self: www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Get the life you love

A letter to my teenage self (via Honest Mum)

Our teen years are such a minefield of emotions, hormones, confusion and questions. Highs are crazily high and lows are the end of the world. I got off relatively lucky during my teens as I had a decent helping of self-confidence and self-esteem (thanks Mum!) and tended to pick myself up from falls and get on with things.… Read more

An open letter to my GCSE History teacher: www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Happy you, Happy them. Put YOUR oxygen mask on first.

Open letter to my GCSE History teacher

Dear Mrs Morrison (my GCSE History teacher),

I don’t know if you remember me, Sophie, but I just wanted to write you this little letter of recognition and of appreciation.

In September it will be 27 years since I first walked into your History class at secondary school. I was 13 years old and I didn’t think I liked History as I’d spent the first two years at secondary school being bored by it.… Read more

Happy 3rd Birthday: An open letter to my daughter: www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French & English parenting and lifestyle ramblings

Happy 3rd Birthday C: An Open Letter

To my darling C,

It is your 3rd birthday today and I wanted to mark this day with an open letter, like I did last year and the year before. This letter won’t mean much to you now but I’m hoping that it’s something you will enjoy reading when you are older, and I know I like looking back on these letters and remembering how you were at different stages.… Read more

Happy 8th Birthday L: An open letter l www.FranglaiseMummy.com l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

Happy 8th Birthday L: An open letter

To my darling L,

You are 8 years old today, and to mark your big day here is this year’s special letter (last year’s letter is here). I cannot for the life of me understand how on earth you can possibly be 8 years old. Surely it was just yesterday that we held you, our first baby, in our arms, this tiny bundle of 2.7kg of joy.… Read more

Open letter to L’s teacher

Dear Miss M,

Nearly a year ago Hubs and I entrusted our 6 and 1/2 year old daughter to you, her new Year 2 teacher. We knew that Year 2 was going to be an important year, what with SATs at the end of the year and preparing the children for moving up into the juniors, and we were interested to see how that would go.… Read more

Happy 7th Birthday L: An open letter

Ma Grande Puce*,

How time flies! How is it possible that it’s already 7 years since I became a mum?!? Little did I know how much you would change my life, turn it around and upside down. I was pretty prepared for dealing with a baby, and we were lucky in that you were a pretty chilled and easy baby, but what I wasn’t prepared for was dealing with a toddler, a little girl, and now a girl who’s getting bigger and bigger.… Read more

Happy 1st Birthday C: An open letter

To my beautiful baby girl,

Today is your 1st birthday so it seems the right time to write you this letter (which will only make sense to you when you are much older).

Daddy and I had been together for 5 years when we had your big sister, L, and we really wanted a baby, so we knew we would be so happy when she was born.… Read more