Tagged: parenting

The Grass isn't Greener in Paradise: www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Get the Life YOU Love

The Grass isn’t Greener in Paradise

How many hours have you spent dreaming about how much better your life would be if only you lived elsewhere? Your relationship would be incredible, your kids would be better behaved, you would be the advert-perfect wife and mum. Countless hours I’m guessing. Well I’m here to burst your bubble. I live in paradise and the grass isn’t greener here than in London.… Read more

Life without social media: an experiment l www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Get the Life YOU Love

Life without social media: an experiment

Go on. Admit it. You’re addicted to social media and it’s ruining your life.

What’s the first thing you do in the morning? Grab your phone and open Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest.

Even before kissing the person lying next to you, or saying good morning?

Sound familiar?

Welcome to my world.

Or should I say my old world?… Read more

A letter to my teenage self: www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Get the life you love

A letter to my teenage self (via Honest Mum)

Our teen years are such a minefield of emotions, hormones, confusion and questions. Highs are crazily high and lows are the end of the world. I got off relatively lucky during my teens as I had a decent helping of self-confidence and self-esteem (thanks Mum!) and tended to pick myself up from falls and get on with things.… Read more

9 Time Management Tips for Mums: www.FranglaiseMummy.com l Get the life you love

9 Time Management Tips for Mums

A couple of weeks ago I got a lovely email from one of my readers, asking me how I found the time to do everything that I do, as she said she just didn’t have time to do anything and she wanted to know how I managed it. So I decided to pull together my time management tips for mums, for you lovely lady…and for all those other mums out there, banging their heads against brick walls as they try and find a way to fit it all in.… Read more

Gender disappointment: when you have same sex children

Gender disappointment: when you have same sex children

I hadn’t realised that gender disappointment or gender preferences existed until I announced I was pregnant with Léna, our eldest. Almost immediately people asked me whether we wanted a boy or a girl. This question about our unborn baby’s gender really shocked me. We don’t live in a country, age or society where one gender is more important than the other, so why the big deal?… Read more