What’s with all the dog poo?

When I used to teach English in France I would go on about the lack of dog poo on the streets of the great old land of Blighty. I would wax lyrical about how Brits don’t let their dogs foul the pavement, and if they do, they pick it up. I would tell my students that Nice is a beautiful city, but you can’t ever look at it, or take it in, as you always need to watch where you’re walking.

I moved back to the UK in 2010 and it was still the case, the streets were still a pleasant, dog poo-free place to walk. When French friends came to visit they would ask how it was possible to have so little “caca de chien” around. I replied, with a smug grin, that the Brits care more about their fellow (wo)man to let their dogs do such a thing.

Then, little by little, my lovely corner of London has become like the streets of the French Riviera, with dogs fouling the pavement everywhere you look (well I don’t actually catch them doing it, I just see the mess they leave behind). It was really winding me up, but not enough for me to rant about, until now.

This week, not once, but twice, I have discovered parcels left by dogs right outside our house. That’s right, where I walk every day with a 6 year old and a pushchair. So I have to attempt to steer my 3-wheeler through the mess. No fun.

Now, I have a dog. I know what a pain it is picking up after a dog. But you know what folks? That’s what you sign up for when you get a dog. So please, dog owners, have a thought for the other residents of your town and scoop that poop!

I have kindly spared you a photo to accompany this blog post.

I am linking up with Mummy Barrow’s Ranty Friday for this post. Click on the badge below to see what others are ranting about today, or join in with your own rant.



2 Responses

  1. Mummy Barrow says:

    Too right. Even when my dog poos under the holly bush two streets away I pick it up.

    As you say, you sign up to this when you get a dog

    • Franglaise Mummy says:

      Let’s just say if I catch someone walking away from their dog’s mess I may not be able to hold my tongue!

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