Toddler playing with Barbies l Why it's good to ignore your kids l l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

Why it’s good to ignore your kids

I don’t know why or when it happened but there’s been a massive shift in parenting styles over the last 30 odd years. Growing up in the late 1970s and 1980s I clearly recall my friends and I being left to our own devices by our parents. Don’t get me wrong, our parents were present but they weren’t constantly hovering over us.… Read more

Quiz: Are you an English woman or a French woman? l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

Quiz: Are you an English woman or a French woman?

I had the idea for this quiz in a dream and I thought it would be quite funny, so take my tongue in cheek quiz to find out if you are actually an English woman or a French woman…..

At the end of an evening out with the girls you are:

a) crying or being sick
b) dancing on the tables and singing drunkenly with your friends
c) telling your friend about the new coat you bought in Galeries Lafayette

Your ideal man:

a) doesn’t wee in the bed when he’s drunk
b) brings you wine while you’re watching Downton Abbey
c) is faithful

You wax/shave your body hair:

a) just before going on your summer holiday
b) once a week (ish)
c) as soon as you spot any regrowth

The amount of alcohol you consume weekly:

a) doesn’t bear thinking about
b) is a glass or two of wine a day plus several bottles of wine and/or cocktails at the weekend
c) is at the most an aperitif or a glass of wine when invited to a friend’s for dinner

Your perfect weekend is:

a) Friday post-work drinks that last all evening, a full English breakfast, a pub lunch that lasts all afternoon, a drunken night out and a lazy day in bed, eating your body weight in junk food
b) a mix of time with your other half, time with your kids and time with friends, with wine thrown in liberally for good measure
c) dinner at a chic new restaurant, with you looking very glam (though not eating much), shopping, then dinner at a friend’s where you consume one glass of wine all night, a run and yoga to even out the excesses of the weekend

Quiz: Are you an English woman or a French woman? l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

© danilkorolev –

Suitable attire for a night at home with Hubs is:

a) a onesie and un-matching socks
b) jeans, a t-shirt and slippers
c) the same put-together outfit that you wear outside of the home

You know you need to lose weight when:

a) why would you want to do that?… Read more

Should you have one last baby? l Everyday French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

Should you have one last baby?

After having our eldest daughter, L, I kept being asked if we wanted to have a second child. Which was a no-brainer, of course we did. It just took us a while to get round to it.

6 years later we finally had our second daughter, C, and I was convinced I was done.… Read more

A decent bra vs a boob job

A decent bra vs a boob job l Photo of Chantelle Superbe bra in black and violet l l French and English Parenting and Lifestyle Ramblings

Chantelle “Superbe” bra in black and violet

Any woman who’s had a baby is likely to tell you that her boobs are now shot to pieces, whether she’s breastfed or not. Some will tell you they are desperate for a boob job if only they could afford it. Others say they would like plastic surgery but are afraid of the risks.… Read more

Garden toys from ASDA – a review

We moved back to the UK from France when L was 3 & 1/2, and not having anywhere to live when we first arrived (hello Chez Mum & Dad) we decided to get rid of all of L’s old toys, clothes and baby stuff before leaving France.

This was a fantastic idea as it meant we didn’t have to pay removers, or storage, for toys she no longer played with and clothes she no longer wore.… Read more

Open letter to L’s teacher

Dear Miss M,

Nearly a year ago Hubs and I entrusted our 6 and 1/2 year old daughter to you, her new Year 2 teacher. We knew that Year 2 was going to be an important year, what with SATs at the end of the year and preparing the children for moving up into the juniors, and we were interested to see how that would go.… Read more

Can you afford to take risks when you’ve got kids?

During the World Cup Final at the weekend Hubs reminded me of where we watched it 4 years ago. We were in Praz de Lys, a hamlet/village in the French Alps (Haute Savoie), enjoying a final French holiday before packing up our French life to move to the UK.

Father and daughter in the French Alps in the summer.

Hubs with a 3 and 1/2 year old L in Praz de Lys, July 2010.

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